Gust Gianos


Energy, Power May 3, 2012

The evolution of the auto

Control engineers' input: In the last ten to fifteen years, cars have been changing by leaps and bounds; they may not have evolved much in the way of aesthetics, but what’s contained within them has drastically changed.

By Gust Gianos
Workforce Development April 13, 2012

Gear up for Hannover Messe

Engineering at 30 Frames: Are you prepared for one of the largest Industrial Technology fairs? Get ready and connected to the fair today.

By Gust Gianos
Cybersecurity April 5, 2012

Decoding Stuxnet

Engineering at 30 Frames: Understand the basics, future, and view a demonstration of Stuxnet

By Gust Gianos
Workforce Development March 1, 2012

Engineers: Get Back to School!

Looking for a refresher engineering course to assist you with your daily tasks? Simply look online at universities across the country.

By Gust Gianos
Workforce Development February 16, 2012

Engaging young minds with Control Engineering

Engineering at 30 Frames: What did you do for Engineers Week? Learn about events and programs set on engaging more young engineers for a lifetime of learning.

By Gust Gianos
Process Instrumentation and Sensors February 10, 2012

The unexpected application of sensors

Engineering at 30 Frames: Sensors can lead to some impressive feats, even more so when it’s given to those with little familiarity with control engineering concepts.

By Gust Gianos
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