Hank Hogan
Not your Father’s RTOS
Embedded real-time operating systems keep planes, trains, and automobiles—as well as factory floor equipment—running on time. At the heart of an embedded RTOS is determinism, the absolute guarantee that when the clock ticks or an interrupt arrives, the system will respond appropriately. But today that’s not enough.
HART Plant of the Year: Digital Output
Just as all roads once led to Rome, today all pipelines lead to Fort Saskatchewan – at least those carrying hydrocarbons in the middle of Canada’s oil-rich Alberta province. The pipeline hub is the BP Canada plant located in the city. “We have just about every pipeline in central Alberta coming in and out of Ft.
Blurring the Lines Between Automation and Safety
Thanks to changes in standards and laws, safety systems and automation controls can now be combined into one system. Despite some initial hesitation about doing this, users are embracing such integration and experiencing bottom-line advantages that go far beyond safety. "The main incentive for integrating is making it more cost effective," says Asish Ghosh, vice president of manufacturing advi...
PC-based Control Delivers the Right Mix
We may all scream for ice cream, but ice cream vendors don't want people yelling for the wrong reasons. In turn, vendors want to deliver what customers want without casting a chill on the bottom line. Achieving that balance is getting more challenging as dairy and ingredient prices rise. However, some vendors are exploring greater use of automation to reduce equipment costs and operating expens...