Jim McMahon, for Physik Instrumente


Mechatronics and Motion Control August 23, 2010

Piezo motors, actuators streamline medical device performance

For the execution of precise movements with medical equipment, the latest piezoceramic motors and actuators are more compact, require lower voltage, deliver higher torque, have shorter response time, generate less heat, and are nonmagnetic and vacuum compatible, compared to conventional electromagnetic motors.

By Jim McMahon, for Physik Instrumente
Mechatronics and Motion Control August 23, 2010

Basic piezo technologies for motion control applications

The most common piezo actuators and motor types are “simple” piezo actuator, flexure-guided, piezo actuator, ultrasonic friction motors, piezo stepping motors, and Ultrasonic transducers. Different piezo actuators and motor types are available. The most common ones are:

By Jim McMahon, for Physik Instrumente
Mechatronics and Motion Control August 23, 2010

11 ways piezoelectric motors improve equipment performance

Piezoelectric Motors Help Equipment Performance: Ten reasons to consider piezoelectric motors for motion control application follow, along with one more point that many motion system or product designers might not have considered. This is an August 2010 Control Engineering Inside Machines feature article.

By Jim McMahon, for Physik Instrumente
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