Kence Anderson, Winston Jenks and Prabu Parthasarathy

Kence Anderson innovates the design of intelligent autonomous systems at Microsoft, where he has designed over 100 learning control systems for enterprise companies. Winston Jenks has worked on simulator technology development for the past 30 years. A chemical engineer from Cornell University, Jenks is responsible for the product development, connectivity, and integration of Wood’s VP Link simulator with control systems, external modeling software, user interfaces, and advanced controls. Prabu Parthasarathy completed his PhD in mechanical engineering and started as an engineer at Wood over 18 years ago, eventually expanding his role into operations and management. Prabu looks after a portfolio of software products and services delivering digital solutions globally in in the upstream, midstream, downstream, manufacturing and multiple other industries.


Control Systems February 17, 2021

Evolution of control systems with artificial intelligence

Cover Story: Can artificial intelligence (AI) prove to be the next evolution of control systems? See three AI controller characteristics and three applications.

By Kence Anderson, Winston Jenks and Prabu Parthasarathy
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