Video: Bedrock Automation has designed a control system that features a programmable logic controller (PLC), backplane, power supply, and I/O modules, all with cyber security in mind from inception. This automation system, said to be secure by design, was introduced and discussed at 2015 ARC Forum. Beta customers will use the system in March; sales are expected in July. See video link.

Bedrock’s control system is designed to protect against external security threats and features a programmable logic controller (PLC), backplane, power supply, and I/O modules all with cyber security in mind. See video link, above.
The backplane features fast I/O communications and an electromagnetic interconnect that eliminates I/O pins and increases security and galvanic isolation. Other features include a 4 GB black fabric communication providing 1 MS I/O scan time regardless of I/O count and user application. It has an all-metal construction and an all-fiber star network can span up to 20 km, providing highest levels of distribution and application flexibility.
It also features a virtual marshaling series (VMS) that uses three I/O module types-universal analog, universal discrete in, and universal discrete out. The universal fieldbus module (UFM) provides a road map for Profibus, DeviceNet, industrial Ethernet and Foundation Fieldbus.
The control system has one universal controller for all control modes: continuous, ladder or SFC that can support anywhere from ten to tens of thousands of I/O. Other features include a redundant interlink designed to reduce disruption to process. The controller is also backplane coupled with advanced diagnostics to improve uptime, increase asset utilization, and deliver analytics. For safe and secure operation, the controller uses redundant layered and embedded cyber security for a safe and secure operation. It also comes with a crypto black fabric arm secure processor running a SIL3 rated, EAL 6+ certified real-time operating system (RTOS).
Bedrock’s Integrated Development Environment 1.0 provides a workplace to enable the implementation and commissioning of automation projects. The environment includes a control system I/O and network configuration and a control application development with integrated debugging and diagnostic modules. It also has import and export capabilities for integration with third-party applications.
The company is also working on secure power solutions that include power and UPS elements designed to enhance security for the user.
This automation system, said to be secure by design, was introduced and discussed at 2015 ARC Forum. Beta customers will use the system in March; sales are expected in July, according to Bedrock Automation CEO, Bob Honor.
Bedrock Automation
– Edited by CFE Media. See more Control Engineering cyber security products.
ONLINE extra: new product video interview about cyber security from the ground up
At the top of this page, click in to watch the video with Control Engineering content manager, Mark T. Hoske, and Bedrock Automation CEO Bob Honor for more information on the product. Honor said the high-security control system has secured approximately 75 patents in two years and will be priced similarly to other PLCs or distributed control systems (DCSs). On the far right side of the opening screen of the video is a secure, rugged, UPS, not discussed in the video, but also planned for release by Bedrock Automation.
Also see the Control Engineering industrial cyber security page for other products, articles, videos and advice on industrial cyber security.
Bedrock Automation is a CSIA member as of 3/1/2015