Controller integrates capabilities, diagnostics

Beverly, Mass.—B-Pac 100 Series of baghouse controllers integrate filter cleaning, pressure gauging, filter leak de-tection, and auxiliary diagnostic sensing into a single device. Its filter cleaning operation features IntelliPulse technology to reduce compressed air use. Diagnostics include ability to instantly locate failed solenoids, ruptured diaphragms, and filter leaks.

Beverly, Mass. —B-Pac 100 Series of baghouse controllers integrate filter cleaning, pressure gauging, filter leak de-tection, and auxiliary diagnostic sensing into a single device. Its filter cleaning operation features IntelliPulse technology to reduce compressed air use. Diagnostics include ability to instantly locate failed solenoids, ruptured diaphragms, and filter leaks. Benefits are said to include re-duced installation and engineering costs, lower operating costs, and maximum product recovery.


Circle 418