Design program for drive components

The Easy Explorer design program by Lenze analyzes user-entered data to determine inverter and geared motor combinations and also provides CAD and ePLAN data for additional information.

Lenze Americas’ Easy Explorer design program is for fast selection of drive components early in the design phase of a new machine. The free web-based Easy Explorer tool analyzes basic user-entered data and automatically determines optimal inverter and geared motor combinations for user consideration.

An entry ramp tool for early and effective planning, the Easy Explorer guides users through intuitive data entry screens, where they specify the desired movement type (i.e., conveying, lifting, rotating) and other basic information, such as desired speed and mass to be moved. The tool calculates inverter-geared motor specifications and uses intelligent search algorithms to generate up to four alternative solutions from the Lenze product portfolio. The Easy Explorer will generate options for a range of common drive applications, including direct, decentralized, controlled and dynamic drives.

The Easy Explorer solution automatically factors in a sufficient reserve for safe implementation of the machine drive task. This approach provides users with an overview of potential drive solutions without searching technical documentation and catalogs or performing manual calculations. In addition to specifying part type numbers and rated data, the Easy Explorer provides CAD and ePLAN data, which can be used to request a quote or access additional information in the Lenze Drive Solution Catalog (DSC).

Lenze Americas