Displays for multi-tank applications

Red Lion Tank Level and Multi-Tank Level Monitoring HMI Modbus remote terminal units (RTUs) from MTS Systems Corp ., Sensors Div., are intended for multiple tank systems. They provide storage information on temperature, volume, interface, and level. Display screens positioned at the bottom of the tanks can be tailored for 4-, 8-, or 16-tank systems at petroleum tank farms, pipeline terminals, or fuel depots.

Touchscreen displays provide feedback for each tank and gauge on the system. Each includes an Ethernet port so data can be simultaneously logged in the external control system. A Modbus RS-485 RTU slave interface enables communication between the display and an external PLC or DCS system. Front panel is NEMA 4X/IP66-rated and shows gross volume, net volume, and diagnostic data. Both products are UL listed for hazardous locations.

Displays communicate directly with storage tank gauges to provide such feedback as color graphs for level and interface and numerical values for level, interface, temperature, and alarm status. Prices start at $2,500.

— Renee Robbins , editorial director, Control Engineering