Dual-beam, high-resolution microscope

Quanta 3D FEG is FEI Co.’s latest addition to its Quanta family. High-resolution, low vacuum SEM/FIB (scanning electron microscope/focused ion beam) was created for 3D material characterization, failure analysis, and process control. DualBeam instrument features three operating modes in one integrated system: high vacuum, low vacuum, and ESEM (environmental scanning electron microscope).

Quanta 3D FEG is FEI Co.’s latest addition to its Quanta family. High-resolution, low vacuum SEM/FIB (scanning electron microscope/focused ion beam) was created for 3D material
characterization, failure analysis, and process control. DualBeam instrument features three operating modes in one integrated system: high vacuum, low vacuum, and ESEM (environmental scanning electron microscope). The ESEM mode makes it possible to collect data on any sample, regardless of heat, moisture, and dirt levels, and characterize in situ dynamic experiments with live recording. The instrument’s 65 nÅ high-current ion beam capability allows very fast milling and precise cross-sectioning to reveal sub-surface structures and features. www.fei.com/quanta3dfeg FEI Co.