Dual-system flow controller

5600 Series dual-use system from Niagara Meters includes an ultrasonic liquid level and open-channel flow controller. Non-contact device features no contamination of material, lost parts or cables, or material build-up on the sensing face. It is unaffected by greases, suspended matter, silt, or corrosive chemicals.

5600 Series dual-use system from Niagara Meters includes an ultrasonic liquid level and open-channel flow controller. Non-contact device features no contamination of material, lost parts or cables, or material build-up on the sensing face. It is unaffected by greases, suspended matter, silt, or corrosive chemicals. For level, the Series can monitor up to 8 transducers of various frequencies and vessels of different heights and shapes; for open channel flow, it provides uniform and reliable flow measurement data and assists in meeting water quality regulatory requirements. Product is said to be easy to set up and can provide level and flow information within minutes. It includes Sentry DSP to provide stable, accurate readings under process conditions. FRP or optional stainless steel enclosures provides environmental protection. www.niagarameters.com Niagara Meters