ei3’s tool streams real-time process line data across desktop

Montvale, N.J. - ei3 Corp., a provider of online engineering and web-enabled applications that maximize manufacturing productivity, announced Tracker, a tool that streams real-time data feeds of monitored process line activity across a computer screen. Tracker makes pertinent machine information available at-a-glance to keep plant staff informed of process line status while pursuing other projects.

Montvale, N.J. ei3 Corp ., a provider of online engineering and web-enabled applications that maximize manufacturing productivity, announced Tracker, a tool that streams real-time data feeds of monitored process line activity across a computer screen. Tracker makes pertinent machine information available at-a-glance to keep plant staff informed of process line status while pursuing other projects.

‘Tracker streamlines the way in which manufacturers access and view process line activity,’ said Brett Smith, ceo of ei3. ‘Optimized manufacturing is not only about increasing the productivity of your process line, but your people as well. Our productivity tools help manufacturers improve both.’

Tracker lets manufacturers link directly to detailed activity for a particular setpoint by clicking on the corresponding machine value scrolling across their computer screen. By providing a higher level of production awareness, Tracker frees manufacturers to pursue more proactive projects. Tracker uses a secure Internet session to keep manufacturers subtly aware of critical process line parameters.

ei3 staffs a 24-hour, 365-day operations center to deliver on-line engineering support to improve productivity, optimize quality control and create greater process efficiencies for manufacturers in automated process industries.

Control Engineering Daily News Desk
Gary A. Mintchell, senior editor
[email protected]