Encoder interface box for safety applications

Heidenhain EIB 2391S encoder interface box is designed for safety-oriented applications with Siemens Sinamics drive components. It uses an 8-pin M12 connection that allows the user to connect to small locations.

Heidenhain has developed the EIB 2391S interface box to increased encoder compatibility with Siemens controls. Ideal for applications with Siemens Sinamics drive components, the EIB 2391S enhances the serial interface offering for many of Heidenhain’s encoders. 

The EIB 2391S makes it possible to convert a Heidenhain encoder’s output signal from EnDat 2.2 to Drive CLiQ. Heidenhain’s EIB2391S 8-pin M12 connection allows the user to pull the cable needed to connect to the interface electronics box through even the smallest locations. Due to the benefits of EnDat 2.2, the EIB 2391S is capable of transmitting diagnostic information into a format recognized by the Siemens Sinamics drive components. Increasing demand for safer machine tool operation, Heidenhain’s EIB 2391S was developed to be used in safety-oriented applications.

Heidenhain Corporation
