Ann Arbor, MI—Entivity Inc. released May 5 its Steeplechase Visual Logic Controller (VLC) 6.1 software, which includes Transaction Express as the newest component of its popular PC-based control system.
Ann Arbor, MI— Entivity Inc. released May 5 its Steeplechase Visual Logic Controller (VLC) 6.1 software, which includes Transaction Express as the newest component of its popular PC-based control system. Transaction Express is a global data port that allows control engineers and IT professionals to gather and modify data in Entivity’s data tables. VLC 6.1 will be the first Entivity product to include the new tool.
Entivity supplies PC-based automation and control software Entivity reports that Transaction Express will make its solutions more versatile and connectable to top-level networks. Transaction Express includes the following features:
OPC to SQL functionality;
Connects to Entivity’s VLC OPC server and read/write data values to an SQL database, and uses Microsoft Message Queue (MSMQ) technology to provide robust data delivery;
OPC to OPC functionality;
Connects to any number of third-party OPC Servers to Entivity’s VLC OPC server to provide clean data sharing. This functionality is commonly referred to as an OPC gateway;
File logging functionality; and
Write any VLC data to a disk file. This logging capability can be an event-based or time-based operation.
The company adds that its software’s new functions allow Transaction Express to help Entivity VLC share data with any number of other products to makes production a more reliable process.
Besides Transaction Express, VLC 6.1 has also added a number of driver updates and functions to VLC’s already solid framework.
Control Engineering Daily News DeskJim Montague, news [email protected]