Decentralized frequency inverters 8400 protec and motec and central inverter 8400 TopLine drives by Lenze now available with optional high-speed EtherNet/IP fieldbus interface.

Lenze Americas released an Ethernet/IP communication module available as an option for its 8400 StateLine, HighLine and TopLine control cabinet devices in addition to the Lenze 8400 motec and protec decentralized frequency inverters. Featuring dual-port technology and an external 24 V back-up supply, the fieldbus interface allows communication via Ethernet/IP enabled control systems.
Lenze’s 8400 series features L-Force automation technology for tailored motion control solutions that deliver stable and high dynamic performance. Sophisticated decentralized 8400 protec and motec inverter drives offer power dense, energy efficient solutions for motion control at the source. The compact IP66 inverters are widely used in printing machines, automotive plants and intralogistics operations. Lenze 8400 StateLine, HighLine and TopLine inverters for control cabinet installation feature IP20 and IP31 protection and a space saving design for manufacturing, material handling, and intralogistics operations.
The Ethernet/IP module interfaces seamlessly with the Lenze sequence control to expand device range and positioning procedures. Included in the 8400 TopLine drive, the sequencer allows up to 100 actions for automatic execution of positioning, which can be parameterized directly in the inverter. The 8400 TopLine can perform the same type of flexible positioning control that typically requires programming into a program logic controller (PLC). This includes waiting times, counters or branches, which can be influenced using external sensor technology or the inverter’s internal signals.
Lenze Americas