Exclusive: Combination starter cuts mounting space in half

Duo Series combination starter from Fuji Electric Corp. of America, composed of the BM3 series manual motor starters and SC-E series magnetic contactors, is said to save space and reduce wiring requirements.

Duo Series combination starter from Fuji Electric Corp. of America, composed of the BM3 series manual motor starters and SC-E series magnetic contactors, is said to save space and reduce wiring requirements.

Duo Series combination starter from Fuji Electric Corp. of America consists of two components: BM3 series manual motor starters and SC-E series magnetic contactors. Compact, high-performance motor control system conforms to IEC and UL standards and carries the CE mark. System is designed to cut required mounting space in half and reduce the number of wiring steps by 90%, according to Fuji Electric estimates.

BM3 series manual motor starter integrates the functions of a molded-case circuit breaker and thermal overload relay into a compact unit. Two frame sizes are offered: 32 A and 63 A. BM3 series can be adjusted to match the rated current of the motor and the variety of safety features includes large breaking capacity, trip indicator, and terminals with finger protection. Available accessories include snap-on auxiliary and alarm contact blocks.

SC-E series small to medium magnetic contactors offers finger protection as standard equipment. Its compact (55-mm) width is equal to the BM3 series motor series to provide a slim appearance when configured together. Other offerings in the series include 45-mm type with BM3R starters and SC-E series contactors to handle motor circuits to 10 hp at 240 V ac and 20 hp at 480 V ac; and 55-mm type with BM3V starters and SC-E series contactors to handle motor circuits to 20 hp at 240 V ac or 40 hp at 480 V ac.

Duo Series makes available a variety of connection accessories, power supply units, and bus bar covers. Modular wiring system is said to feature a reduction in equipment, efficient wiring, protection against exposure to charged parts, and space-saving design.


Fuji Electric Corp. of America