Geotest launches system integrator program

Geotest-Marvin Test Systems Inc. has introduced a new program to help system integrators to provide turnkey solutions for the test and measurement market.

Geotest-Marvin Test Systems Inc . has introduced a new program to help system integrators to provide turnkey solutions for the test and measurement market. System Integrator Program (SIP) will enable integrators to use Geotest’s resources as a manufacturer and master integrator for their larger projects, as well as receive discounts on Geotest’s hardware and software.

Lynn Murdock, Geotest’s sales and marketing VP, adds that, “We’re confident that these integrator relationships will ensure that our customers receive the best possible service and solutions that our combined companies have to offer.”

A subsidiary of the Marvin Group (Inglewood, CA), Geotest is a global supplier of PXI and PC-based test products, systems, and solutions. Its products and systems are used worldwide aerospace, semiconductors, communications, medical, industrial, and military test applications.

—Jim Montague, news editor, Control Engineering, [email protected]