Hannover, Germany—Hannover Industrial Fair is widening is scope this year by adding Interkama to its eight-shows-in-one format scheduled for April 19-24 at the Hannover Fairgrounds.
Hannover, Germany— Each year, Hannover Industrial Fair brings together multiple world-class shows that cover a gamut of automation technologies. In 2004, the fair widens its scope by adding Interkama+, the well-known process automation tradeshow, to its ‘eight-shows-in-one’ format. Running under the theme of ‘See Tomorrow, Today,’ Interkama and the seven other shows are scheduled for April 19-24 at the Hannover Fairgrounds. Here are some highlights.
With its process emphasis, Interkama (Halls 6-9, 11, 14, 15) is set to make this expo more complete, adding sectors on control systems (including human-machine interfaces), fieldbuses, industrial maintenance and services, and information technology (IT). It will strive to make more seamless the artificial boundaries between technologies for discrete parts manufacturing and the process industries. An Interkama Forum will offer panel discussions and presentations on topics from instrumentation and industrial communication to explosion protection.
Still the flagship show, Factory Automation (Halls 9, 11, 14-17), will offer exhibits ranging from control software , industrial PCs, and embedded systems to robotics, sensor systems, electric motors, and more. A special display, ‘Automation Live’ (Hall 17), will showcase solutions and provide demonstrations in such areas as robotics, assembly and material handling, and image processing/sensor systems.
Digital Factory (Hall 16) will highlight how digital concepts and systems are helping to optimize all industrial processes, as well as the crucial role of IT/software in this evolution.
Energy Exhibit (Halls 11-13) will present visitors with the latest developments in renewable energy generation and distribution, including hydrogen and fuel cells, plus a focus on energy management.
Surface Technology (Hall 5) will feature the full range of surface treatment processes available for energy conservation and environmental protection in manufacturing plants and products.
Microtechnology (Halls 14, 15) aims to spotlight key trends and technologies in the ubiquitous world of microsystems, along with applications in automation, communication, energy and life sciences that benefit from device miniaturization.
Subcontracting (Hall 2-4) will provide a forum for market opportunities and partnering in the area of product design, construction, and production development.
Research & Development (Hall 18) will be a platform where research institutes and universities show how to commercialize innovations and transfer them to business and industry.
U.S. presence
Companies from the U.S. have substantial presence at Hannover Fair, even beyond what raw statistics might suggest, because a number of U.S. firms have their German subsidiaries organize and manage their exhibits. Another venue for American exhibitors, particularly smaller companies and ‘first-timers,’ is one of the USA Pavilions, sponsored and managed by Hannover Fairs USA . These pavilions help lower some hurdles of participation and reduce expenses. In 2004, two USA Pavilions will be open: Factory Automation in Hall 15 and Interkama in Hall 6.
It will be exciting to see how much new enthusiasm Interkama can inject into Hannover Fair.
www.hfusa.com or call +1 609-987-1202.
Control Engineering Daily News Desk
Frank J. Bartos, executive editor
[email protected]