Hot news in temperature: Industrial thermostat, infrared linescanner

Two new products are expected to help with industrial temperature measurement applications. Raytek has a new high-speed infrared linescanner, and Omega Engineering has a new small thermostat.

Santa Cruz, CA and Stamford, CT — Two new products that will help with industrial temperature measurement applications are a high-speed infrared linescanner from Raytek and Omega Engineering’s new small thermostat.

Raytek MP150 high-speed infrared linescanner for process noncontact temperature measurement operates with a suite of application software to provide a fast and complete noncontact temperature measurement package. Featuring the latest electronics, optics, communications and mirror mechanisms, the technology facilitates a scan speed up to 150 Hz, three times faster than its predecessor, allowing MP150 to gather complete data from even the fastest manufacturing processes, the company says.The product is being relaunched with expanded data collection capability and can measure up to 1,024 data points per scan, up from the previous 512, to allow users to see small temperature anomalies. Also new is a fiber-optic communication system for connection to existing fiber networks or directly to a PC.Fiber-optic infrastructure, avoiding potential interference from strong EMI fields generated by heavy equipment and protecting instrumentation from sudden power surges from lightning strikes.

Omega Engineering

Another feature is the on-board Ethernet TCPI/IP communication capability. During installation, the user connects directly to the linescanner and, using existing industrial Ethernet infrastructure, the linescanner can be accessed from any computer on the network to reduce the total installed cost, eliminating wiring runs and conduit. To speed alignment, each unit has an internal line laser to indicate exact line-of-sight of the linescanner. This laser,Software has been enhanced to take advantage of increased data acquisition capabilities and extended communication properties. The system packages allow simple configuration to analyze thermal data to monitor and control manufacturing processes. Omega Engineering has introduced the KT011 Small Thermostat Series , a compact product that is DIN-rail mountable.The thermostat features a wide adjustment range and is available with 0– 60 °C or 32 – 140 °F scale. The CE-compliant product is equipped with color-coded temperature dials: red for normally closed models (thermostat opens at temperature rise), and blue for normally open models (thermostat closes at temperature rise). Prices start at $18 for the thermostat. — Control Engineering News Desk Register here and scroll down to select your choice of eNewsletters free.