Research was undertaken to gain a better understanding of Control Engineering subscribers’applications and needs regarding networks.
Read the article that resulted from this research: Industrial Networks, with informaiton on Ethernet and other network infrastructure .
Research was undertaken to gain a better understanding of Control Engineering subscribers’ applications and needs regarding networks. Scroll down to link to the original research report (PDF) .
Specific areas under evaluation included:• Recommending/specifying networks• Departments included in industrial network cross-functional teams• Primary applications for industrial networks• Industrial network device connectivity status and plans• Current usage of various industrial network protocol/method types• Industrial network protocol/method types which may be used/not used in future• Attributes of importance in purchasing industrial network products• Considerations in selecting an industrial network manufacturer• Expected ROI for annual industrial network expenditures• Annual savings anticipated from the investment in industrial network products• Time frame needed to generate anticipated annual savings• Incidence for use of third-party integrators or consultants for industrial network applications• Annual spending on third-party integrator or consultant services• Current and future intelligence for industrial networks
Control Engineering Product Research Report: Industrial Networks 2007 (link below to PDF)
Industrial Networks Research 2007