Automation integrators in Control Engineering’s 2005 Automation Integrator Guide were recently asked to identify the top five types of systems they work on most from among 101 possible choices.
Automation integrators in Control Engineering ’s 2005 Automation Integrator Guide were recently asked to identify the top five types of systems they work on most from among 101 possible choices. The leading specialties they identified include:
PLCs/RTUs 65%;
Instrumentation and data acquisition 59%;
Process control 58%;
Human/machine interface 57%; and
Systems engineering 52%.
To select from more than 1,100 automation system integrators by name, or by using a seven-criteria, multi-parameter search, including industry served, click here and visit the Control Engineering Automation Integrator Guide Online. If you’re a system integrator and would like to be listed in the guide, or for more information, visit .
—Jim Montague, news editor, Control Engineering, [email protected]