The Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC) and Avnu Alliance (Avnu) announced they have agreed to a liaison to work together to advance deployment and interoperability of devices with time-sensitive networking (TSN) open standards.
The Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC) and Avnu Alliance (Avnu) announced they have agreed to a liaison to work together to advance deployment and interoperability of devices with time-sensitive networking (TSN) open standards. Under the agreement, the IIC and Avnu will work together to align efforts to maximize interoperability, portability, security and privacy for the industrial internet. Joint activities between the IIC and the Avnu will include:
– Identifying and sharing Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) best practices
– Realizing interoperability by harmonizing architecture and other elements
– Collaborating on standardization.
"Both Avnu and the IIC are well aligned to pursue the advancement of the IIoT. An example of this is Avnu’s participation in the IIC TSN testbed where members have an opportunity to try their equipment and software on the testbed infrastructure. This provides the participants with the ability to discover what’s working and what is not and provide feedback that helps speed market adoption," said Gary Stuebing, IIC liaison to Avnu. "The lessons learned in our TSN testbed fuel the ability of both of our organizations. TSN could open up critical control applications such as robot control, drive control and vision systems."
Avnu and IIC are meeting for a TSN Testbed plugfest later this month to evaluate and trial TSN device conformance tests that are being developed as a baseline certification in the industrial market.
Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC)
Home – Industry IoT Consortium
Avnu Alliance (Avnu)
– Edited from an IIC press release by CFE Media. See more Control Engineering IIoT and Industrie 4.0 stories.