Research Triangle Park, NC—ISA, the Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society, reports that more than 4,000 technicians had achieved Certified Control Systems Technician (CCST) status by the end of 2004.
Research Triangle Park, NC— ISA , the Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society, reports that more than 4,000 technicians had achieved Certified Control Systems Technician (CCST) status by the end of 2004.
The CCST program promotes professional development of instrumentation and controls technicians, and provides recognition and documentation of their knowledge, experience, and education in measurement and control. ISA adds that CCSTs play a vital role in industry, exercising direct control over many operations that result in product quality, safety, and environmental protection. The program reportedly ensures high levels of skill and competency, and is regarded as an important contribution by both industry management and labor.
The organization adds its CCST program provides the mechanism to ascertain and document to management, contractors and labor organizations, the qualifications of CCSTs to work safely and effectively in process industries worldwide. To be certified as a CCST, applicants must demonstrate that they are skilled practitioners, knowledgeable in pneumatic and electronic instrumentation. They must demonstrate an understanding of process control loops and process control systems, including both analog and microprocessor based systems.
In addition to its CCST program, ISA serves the professional development and certification needs of industry professionals and practitioners with its Certified Automation Professional (CAP), Certified Industrial Maintenance Mechanic (CIMM) programs, and its Control Systems Engineers (CSE) license. For more information about the CCST certification, visit .
Control Engineering Daily News DeskJim Montague, news [email protected]