The user-led board of the Emerson Global Users Exchange has announced that the 2006 conference will be held Oct. 2-6 at the Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center in Nashville, TN. This year’s conference will focus on educational and leadership sessions for all levels of process manufacturing professionals. User presentations and workshops will update colleagues on experience with technology selection and application, investment justification and automation strategy.
“The conference continues to grow in value and attendance every year,” said Scott Pendegrass, control systems engineer for ExxonMobil and 2005 chairman of the Emerson Global Users Exchange. “2005 was our largest and most successful to date, drawing a record attendance of 1,814 process manufacturing professionals from 46 countries. The extensive program included three keynote speakers, two management round tables, nine industry business forums, 253 workshops, 47 short courses, and over 40,000 square feet of technology exhibits.”
Feedback was overwhelmingly positive and congratulatory with participants describing the Emerson Exchange conference as “a very well spent week, full of opportunities to learn” and a “tremendous amount of information in one location… better for my personal use than a major trade show.” One participant’s comments reflect the goal of the Emerson Users Exchange — to provide “a good opportunity to see new products, learn how others approach projects and obstacles, and network.”
“Again this coming October, users will discuss comprehensive automation strategies to take advantage of today’s technologies and ensure the future viability of their plants,” says Jim Cook, Degussa Corp., and incoming Emerson Exchange chairman for 2006. “Attendees will hear from industry leaders how Emerson’s PlantWeb digital plant technologies are providing breakthrough results for process manufacturers worldwide. They will share best practices, technical innovations, application successes and quantified results, and received valuable insight into new technology developments and directions.”
In addition to the annual conference, the Exchange also coordinates and produces special interest group meetings, newsletters, and communications related to Emerson technologies and applications.
Control Engineering coverage from last year’s meeting included: “ Think Again: Live hacking into your process .”
— Richard Phelps, senior editor, Control Engineering