Magnetic flowmeter market to reach $590 million in 2002

Dedham, MA - A recently completed worldwide magnetic flowmeter market study has just been released by ARC Advisory Group. According to the study, the market for magnetic flowmeters is expected to reach $650 million by the end of 2007.

Dedham, MA – A recently completed worldwide magnetic flowmeter market study has just been released by ARC Advisory Group . According to the study, the market for magnetic flowmeters is expected to reach $650 million by the end of 2007.

”The magnetic flowmeter market is facing serious challenges on several fronts, but has stability due to the inherent strengths of the technology. Magnetic flowmeters have no moving parts, a flow path without obstructions, and low maintenance,” according to senior analyst Paula Holly-wood, the author of ARC’s Magnetic Flowmeter Worldwide Outlook study.

According to the studies author, the lack of capital investment due to current manufacturing overcapacity, the downturn in cyclical industries such as chemical, pulp and paper, and mining have combined with an overall sluggish economic outlook to inhibit the growth prospects for magnetic flowmeters. At the same time, the increasingly stringent environmental regulations will positively impact growth in the water and wastewater industry. Also, the hybrid industries of food and beverage and pharmaceutical’s will provide new growth opportunities for magnetic flowmeters.

on a regional basis as these countries continue to build service infrastructure and an industrial base. Both China and India are also emerging as low-cost manufacturing centers for suppliers.”

Factors Contributing to Growth

With stringent environment regulations, the process industry, particularly chemical, pulp and pa-per, and water and wastewater, have all come under intense scrutiny by authorities. This should provide a boost to magnetic flowmeters and increase unit volumes. Furthermore, privatization of municipal water & wastewater services is a global trend that is generating new investments to up-grade aging water and sewer systems.

Multivariable magnetic flowmeters that can measure temperature and pressure in addition to flow are commercially available. While 2002 shipments of such meters were negligible, they are expected to increase throughout the forecast period. These added measurement capabilities will enable users to purchase fewer devices, require fewer process penetrations, and reduce the num-ber of potential leak paths. Also, magnetic flowmeters suitable for flow measurement in the par-tially filled pipes, enhanced electrodes to improve signal to noise ratios, and non-contact elec-trodes are all examples of product innovations that should hold the interest of users in magnetic flowmeter technology.

Traditionally, magnetic flowmeters require four-wires for power and signal operation. Two-wire devices that can reduce wiring costs and simplify installation will be more popular in grass roots plants with fieldbus capability. While use of two-wire magnetic flowmeters will increase over the forecast period, the majority of shipments are expected to be four-wire for use as direct replacements.

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Control Engineering Daily News Desk
Dave Harrold, Senior Editor
[email protected]