Move to PCS7 while retaining existing I/O modules and field wiring.
Siemens has made migrating legacy APACS+ installations to the Simatic PCS 7 process control system simpler with the APACS+ DP IOBUS link from Siemens Energy & Automation. The new strategy provides hardware to make the upgrade while retaining the existing APACS+ I/O modules and field wiring terminations.
Siemens says the new system delivers more computing power to existing systems, including the ability to select multiple scan rates as fast as 10 milliseconds. This can help extend the life of the APACS+ system and existing field wiring and I/O for significant cost savings.
“Siemens continues to sell and support APACS+,” says Ken Keiser, Siemens process automation marketing manager. “The new bus link is a good example of how the company is investing in APACS+ and helping customers get the highest possible return on their investment.”
For more on system upgrades, read Upgrading Control: Migration or Evolution?
—Edited by Peter Welander, process industries editor, [email protected] , Process & Advanced Control Monthly eNewsletter Register here to select your choice of free eNewsletters .