NI SoftMotion Development Module for LabView

National Instruments National Instruments (NI) SoftMotion Development Module for LabView simplifies the development of advanced single- and multi-axis motion applications. The module provides virtual instruments (VI) and functions to help build custom motion controllers that run using LabView in combination with National Instruments hardware, such as NI RIO devices, DAQ devices, and Compact Fie...

National Instruments LabVIEW NI SoftMotion Module

National Instruments (NI) SoftMotion Development Module for LabView simplifies the development of advanced single- and multi-axis motion applications. The module provides virtual instruments (VI) and functions to help build custom motion controllers that run using LabView in combination with National Instruments hardware, such as NI RIO devices, DAQ devices, and Compact FieldPoint. The NI SoftMotion Development Module works in conjunction with the NI LabView Real-Time Module, LabView FPGA Module, and the LabView Control Design and Simulation Bundle. NI SoftMotion Development Module provides all functions that typically reside on a motion controller DSP. With this module, users can handle path planning, trajectory generation, and position and velocity loop control in the NI LabView environment and then deploy the code on LabView Real-Time or LabView FPGA based target hardware. The software enables virtual prototyping for motion-based machines and devices by connecting to the Dassault Systemes SolidWorks 3D CAD design tool.


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