Articles about hacking oil and gas control systems, oil and gas prices, future oil and gas workers, pigging your line, and predictive analytics hitting the midstream were Oil and Gas Engineering's five most clicked articles for 2015. Learn more.

2015 was Oil & Gas Engineering’s first year as a dedicated magazine. Here are the top five articles from last year based on data from our partners, Control Engineering and Plant Engineering’s websites.
1. Hacking oil and gas control systems: Understanding the cyber risk
Cyber attacks are growing in number and intensity over the past decade. Companies in the oil and gas industry are high-profile targets and must take measures to protect themselves from hackers.
2. Black October on the horizon
The price of oil may not have hit the nadir yet, supply is almost double that of demand, and the Iran deal may slash oil prices to new lows.
3. Thirty years later, the industry is losing its best and brightest, again
In the 1980s, the oil and gas industry was going through the same crew change as it is now. Highly educated workers were laid off and the cycle is repeating itself. Will the industry learn its lesson this time?
4. Dirty pipelines decrease flow, production—pig your line
Allen Pennington, president of Pigs Unlimited International located in Tomball, Texas, shared his industry insights about the challenges related to pipeline cleaning.
5. Predictive analytics hit the midstream
Model-based, predictive analytics lends itself to crunching multiple data sources to pinpoint risks for pipeline integrity management, while analytics for process monitoring and measurement evolve to better discover crucial variances.
Based on these top five articles from 2015, the trends from our readers proved to be that cyber security, career development, big data and predictive analytics and pipeline maintenance and pigging were the highest ranked topics of the year based on our readers’ clicks.
We’ll be interested to see what our readers chose as hot topics for 2016. As this was our first year, we don’t have any previous data to compare to, but you as the reader have the power to determine our editorial path based on what your clicks and feedback.
Since this is the start of a new year, I kindly ask you to provide some feedback on our articles and the topics that we cover. The line is always open, so please feel free to email me with any questions or suggestions for Oil & Gas Engineering.
Wishing you all a great start to a successful new year and of course saying, thank you for reading!
– Eric R. Eissler, editor-in-chief, Oil & Gas Engineering, [email protected].