Power factor transducers

CR Magnetics Inc. introduced a new series of power factor transducers designed to sense the phase angle difference between ac current and voltage signals. This allows the correcting of power factors to save on utility energy costs. The CR6300 series of power factor transducers will perform work for motor loading, measure timing, correcting power factor and other applications. This was an October 2008 Control Engineering North American print edition Product Exclusive.

CR Magnetics’ power factor transducers sense the phase angle difference between ac current and voltage signals.

CR Magnetics Inc. has introduced a new series of power factor transducers designed to sense the phase angle difference between ac current and voltage signals. This allows the correcting of power factors to save on utility energy costs. The CR6300 series of power factor transducers will perform in a wide variety of applications, including motor loading, measure timing, and correcting power factor.

The new transducers are available in three basic model styles: CR6310-500 has 0-5 V dc output; CR6311-500 has 0-10 V dc output; and CR6320-500 has 4-20 mA dc output. Custom styles can be provided. Features include the ability to measure -90 to +90 phase differences. Bandwidth is 5 kHz and input ranges can be extended using current transducers (CTs) and power transducers (PTs).

Outputs are direct to data acquisition, PLC, display, and computer systems. The transducers have window openings to accommodate current carrying wires up to 0.26-in. diameter. They offer up to 500 V input and up to 25 A current. The units are powered by a single 24 V dc power supply. Package size is 3.26-in. (length) x 1.42-in. (width) x 2.99-in. (height). Pricing is $150 each in small quantities.

www.crmagnetics.com CR Magnetics