On average, respondents have 12 PASs at their plant. Their newest process automation system (PAS) on-site is 4.3 years of age, their oldest is 12.9 years of age, and their average is 8.5 years of age. More than half of survey participants said their newest PAS on site is excellent. Only about one in ten said the same of their oldest system on-site.
Executive Summary
Existing PAS Information
On average, respondents have 12 PASs at their plant. Their newest process automation system (PAS) on-site is 4.3 years of age, their oldest is 12.9 years of age, and their average is 8.5 years of age. More than half of survey participants said their newest PAS on site is excellent. Only about one in ten said the same of their oldest system on-site.
For all PASs on site, roughly 25% to 30% of respondents are utilizing more than 75% of system features and capabilities. One third of respondents cited insufficiency of on-site staff as a reason their plant was using less than 75% of its current PAS capabilities. Nearly as many people said their usage was due to the features and capabilities being inappropriate for the process. More than three quarters of survey participants rated the reliability of their newest PAS on-site as excellent or good. Fifty-five percent said the same of their oldest system.
Upgrade, Migration, and Replacement
ug fixes.
Of primary importance when deciding to migrate from a manufacturer’s old PAS to its new PAS is when the old PAS becomes obsolete and is no longer supported. When considering the replacement of a PAS, most important to respondents are system architecture and commercial off-the-shelf hardware & software.
New PAS Considerations & Desirable Features
Use of commercial off-the-shelf software/hardware emerges as the most important capability to respondents when purchasing a new PAS.
Integration Features
Past & Future Purchases
Rockwell Automation/Allen-Bradley tops the list of PAS manufacturers purchased from in the past 12 months (58%). The average number of PAS units purchased in the past 12 months was 15. On average, respondents spent $345,362 on PASs in the past 12 months. More than a quarter of respondents expect their need for PASs to increase in the next 12 months, while 61% expect their need to stay the same.
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