DH+ Industrial Protocol Gateways

This industrial protocol gateway provides a solution to keep your A-B Legacy PLCs on-line. We know you still have legacy PLCs on your factory floor that utilize DH+ to keep data flowing and production moving. We also know that there are companies out there discontinuing solutions and support for DH+.

There is not always an option to upgrade and eliminate older (fully functioning) components on the factory floor. There can be costly expenses with lost production time, integration and new equipment.

Our DH+ solutions are here to help ensure you can keep data flowing. This gateway solution allows you to easily gain access to your data, eliminating the need to make costly equipment and integration updates.

This series of gateways offers over 17 DH+ to (industrial protocol) configurations (Including: ASCII, BACnet/IP, Ethernet TCP/IP, Modbus RTU, OPC UA, Profinet and more).

Here are a few of the features and benefits of the 460DH+ gateway series offers:

  • Operation Mode: DH+ Master

  • Supports PLCs: SLC 5/04 and PLC5

  • Read/write an existing DH+ PLC and move data to another technology, Allen-Bradley PLC, Siemens, Modbus, etc.

  • Supports up to 32 devices

  • Receive data into new systems from DH+ PLCs.

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Real Time Automation

We understand the long hours you spend on the factory floor, including the pressure to get and keep a line running and the product flowing. That's how Real Time Automation came to be. You want easy-to-use solutions where the hardest part is opening the box. You need customer support second to none. If you get all that and a fun customer experience, all the better. It has been over 30 years now, but our mission remains the same: to get your data where you need it, when you need it, and how you need it.