NextGen Controls

BMG announces NextGen Controls™, an intuitive, easy-to-use HMI (Human-Machine Interface) platform that simplifies operations and reduces training requirements for new employees. The NextGen Controls platform is compatible with most existing servo-based BMG machines and will provide a common look and feel to all BMG brands and products in the future.New employees now universally bring years of smartphone experience, making them immediately prepared to interact with NextGen’s intuitive graphical user interface and multitouch gestures. Clear, detailed graphical representations of the machines are displayed on the 24-inch high-definition widescreen industrial PCs. The operator just needs to point and click on a particular component to bring up a window to set recipes and process parameters. They can pinch and zoom for more detail and click for context-sensitive help messages and instructions. The navigation is easy, with the most frequently used functions available within one or two clicks.Everything the operator needs is readily available on screen, including training videos, as well as the entire print package with all schematics and a bill of materials and parts listing. The NextGen Controls platform is fully compatible with BMG’s Advanced Digital Readiness™ web- and app-based portal for remotely monitoring thermoforming and product handling applications and accessing important process data.