Robot programming suite

ArtiMinds Robot Programming Suite (RPS) makes it easy to create complex robot programs in just a few steps, independent of robot hardware manufacturers. The programming software automatically generates native robot code that runs on the standard controller of the robot manufacturer. The typically high programming effort for integrating cameras, force-torque sensors, electric grippers and PLCs is replaced by the much simpler selection, combination and parametrization of predefined function templates.

ArtiMinds RPS provides an extensive library of templates covering a wide range of tasks from pick-and-place to camera-based detection and force-sensitive assembly of components. The user is supported with various assistance functions such as graphical wizards to optimize setup.

ArtiMinds RPS enables a seamless transition from planning a robotic cell to commissioning and maintenance. Tool paths can be easily created from CAD files at the desk, collision and reachability tests can be conducted, and collision-free trajectories can be calculated. The created program can be executed on the actual robot and waypoints can be taught directly within the software.

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ArtiMinds Robotics GmbH

ArtiMinds Robotics GmbH develops software solutions for programming and controlling industrial robots and offers individual engineering services for advanced automation tasks. The vision of the technology company: to develop software solutions that simplify the programming and operation of industrial robots and enable cost-efficient integration and maintenance as well as flexible automation. In order to support users in all phases, ArtiMinds sees itself as a comprehensive service and solution provider that implements complex robot projects that include the usage of PLCs, sensors and electric grippers together with customers.ArtiMinds advises users in all phases of a robot application, from planning, programming, simulation and commissioning to maintenance and optimization.With a team of more than 50 employees and around 20 international distribution partners, ArtiMinds Robotics serves customers from a wide range of industries in over 20 countries.The users of the software solutions include internationally operating manufacturing and technology companies from the automotive, electrical engineering and consumer goods industries as well as plant and machine manufacturers.The software products ArtiMinds RPS and ArtiMinds LAR are compatible with a wide range of robot manufacturers as well as the most common grippers, camera systems and force-torque sensors, thus forming the perfect basis for flexible automation. The graphical, intuitive user interface replaces textual programming and eliminates the need for specific programming knowledge. By dragging and dropping, the user selects the desired functions and movements from predefined templates and generates his program in the native robot programming language. This allows even complex sensor-adaptive applications to be implemented robustly and efficiently. With the sensor data automatically acquired and processed by ArtiMinds LAR, the user gains essential insights into his processes in order to continuously optimize them during further operation.