MIK-LDGR Electromagnetic BTU meter
Meacon electromagnetic BTU meters accurately measure the thermal energy consumed by chilled water in British thermal units (BTU), which is a basic indicator for measuring thermal energy in commercial and residential buildings. BTU meters are usually used in commercial and industrial as well as office buildings for chilled water systems, HVAC, heating systems, etc. Features
SUP-LDGR electromagnetic BTU meter(Heat meter) operating principle: Hot (cold) water supplied by a heat source flows into a heat exchange system at a high (low) temperature(a radiator, heat exchanger, or complex system consisting of them),Outflow at low (high) temperature, in which heat is released or absorbed to the user through heat exchange (note: this process includes energy exchange between heating system and cooling system).When water flow through the heat exchange system, according to the flow sensor of flow and matching the temperature of the sensor is given for the return water temperature, and flow through time, through the calculation of the calculator and display the system heat release or absorption.
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