The 8 kg model of ABB Robotics' IRB 360 FlexPicker line handles up to 100 cycles per minute and has improved motion tuning as well as handle higher payloads.

ABB Robotics has added an 8 kg model to its IRB 360 FlexPicker line, supplementing the existing 1 kg and 3 kg models. The 8 kg version of the IRB 360 robot has been re-engineered to handle higher payloads and improved pick-and-place performance. The new design includes a redesigned carbon fiber arm-set, a new delta plate designed to handle larger weights and inertias, and improved motion tuning. It has also been engineered to handle up to 100 cycles per minute.
The 8 kg FlexPicker is designed for operation in sanitary environments, and the stainless steel IPK69 rated model withstands the most stringent cleaning operations associated with sanitary product handling. Multiple variants of work envelopes are available, all with environmental protection options to meet most application requirements.
In addition to handling flow wrapped products, the IRB 360 8 kg FlexPicker is ideal for the direct picking and placing of unwrapped food products and pharmaceuticals into primary wrappers; loading meat products into trays; and kitting of personal care products and medical devices into blister packs.
ABB Robotics
Industrial Robot Supplier and Manufacturer | ABB Robotics
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