The Dyno LaborSaver rotating torque sensor series from SensorData Technologies allows for dual measurement and has a wide range of measurement options.

SensorData Technologies’ Dyno LaborSaver is a dual range rotating torque sensor series that features a 5:1 ratio capacity of zero to ± full-scale, with a wide range of measurement options.
The dual measurement range of the Dyno LaborSaver makes it ideal for use within dynamometer test stand applications, particularly ones in which sensor access may be limited by space or installation environment constraints. In addition, the product is suitable for low-range torque measurement requirements, in applications where high torsional spikes may occur. This significantly reduces downtime on the test bench, as well as overall test costs, by eliminating purchasing requirements for multiple torque sensing units.
Available in six base models and with a variety of customization options, the Dyno LaborSaver series is offered in standard ranges from 100 to 500,000 lb-inches. The low-range bridge is available in capacities from 0 to ±1/5 full-scale of the higher range. Units feature high-accuracy on both distinct bridges. Voltage outputs may be either simultaneous for both bridges; or selectable to suit customer requirements. The high torsional stiffness of this product range, as well as its reduced rotating inertia, allows for increased frequency response. Its relatively compact size allows for ease of installation and space reduction, as units occupy an overall footprint that is far less than torque sensors of equivalent ranges.
SensorData Technologies
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