Embedded computer module for machine learning

Nvidia's Jetson TX1 module is an embedded computer designed to enable machine learning and process deep neural networks-computer software that can learn to recognize objects or interpret information.

By Nvidia November 23, 2015

Nvidia’s Jetson TX1 module is an embedded computer designed to enable machine learning. Jetson TX1 is designed to process deep neural networks-computer software that can learn to recognize objects or interpret information. This allows machines to perform complex tasks such as recognizing images, processing conversational speech, or analyzing a room full of furniture and finding a path to navigate across it. Features of the Jetson TX1 include 4K video encode and decode, a camera that supports 1400 megapixels/second and 16 GB of storage. It has Wi-Fi Bluetooth capabilities and 1GB Ethernet. It has Linux for Tegra OS support and measures only 50 x 87mm. Jetson TX1 includes the most comprehensive SDK for embedded visual computing, including cuDNN, which is a CUDA-accelerated library for machine learning. For both training and inference, it is compatible with many industry-standard frameworks, including Caffe, Theano and Torch. It also features VisionWorks, which is a CUDA-accelerated library and framework for computer vision.


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