Through tighter software integration of information systems, Canadian manufacturers have greater opportunities to optimize plant performance, maximize shop-floor operations, drive out costs, and enhance executive decision-making, according to SAP Canada , which recently named Real Time Systems Inc . an SAP Service Partner. Adaptive manufacturing helps businesses in six ways, the companies say, by:
Closing the gap between the factory and the enterprise;
Pinpointing and taking advantage of cost efficiencies;
Optimizing plant performance and productivity;
Automating and synchronizing orders;
Better planning for materials and maintenance; and
Increasing visibility in manufacturing, which leads to better decision support for improved plant operations.
RTS, which works with manufacturers to design, install, and maximize benefits from automated shop floor processes, is said to have “deep expertise in plant-floor IT implementations and the SAP xApp Manufacturing Integration and Intelligence (SAP xMII) composite application to drive adaptive manufacturing in the Canadian market.” The SAP xMII composite application enables manufacturers and their production personnel to adapt to change and respond rapidly to shifts in demand by providing real-time visibility to manufacturing exceptions and performance variances, including root causes and business impacts. RTS says it offers an ISA-95-enabled manufacturing software that further reduces the complexity of building custom connections to shop floor systems and thereby accelerates time-to-value for the end customer. Lean, Six-Sigma, production planning, laboratory systems, inventory, work in process, maintenance and safety processes are said to be elements of the RTS adaptive manufacturing product.
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—Edited by Mark T. Hoske , Control Engineering editor in chief