The NI InsightCM Enterprise by National Instruments is software that allows users to cost-effectively monitor critical and ancillary rotating machinery, which helps manage operational risk while maintaining profitability and production efficiency.

The NI InsightCM Enterprise by National Instruments (Nasdaq: NATI) is a software solution that helps companies gain insight into the health of their machine maintenance and operations. It is designed to address Big Analog Data challenges and builds on the industrial Internet of Things. NI InsightCM Enterprise allows users to cost-effectively monitor both critical and ancillary rotating machinery, which helps them manage operational risk while maintaining profitability and production efficiency. The enterprise solution solves the data management, data analysis and systems management challenges that are common in Big Analog Data applications. NI InsightCM Enterprise acquires and analyzes sensory information, generates alarms and allows maintenance specialists to remotely diagnose machine faults. NI InsightCM Enterprise is useful for companies in industries that need to optimize performance, maximize uptime, reduce maintenance costs, and increase safety like like oil & gas, power generation, mining, rail and industrial manufacturing.
National Instruments (NI)
– Edited by CFE Media. See more Control Engineering asset management products.