Carlisle, Pa. —The "Terminator" terminal block system is said to reduce wiring costs by up to 80%, compared to other terminal block systems, according to the company. The system eliminates wire stripping, screw and spring clamps, and wire ferrules by using an insulation displacement connection (IDC) method.
Carlisle, Pa. -The ‘Terminator’ terminal block system is said to reduce wiring costs by up to 80%, compared to other terminal block systems, according to the company. The system eliminates wire stripping, screw and spring clamps, and wire ferrules by using an insulation displacement connection (IDC) method. Blades set 45° provide mechanical strength against vibration and pulling. The blocks handle wire range from 22 through 14 AWG and are rated at 17.5 A and 450 V. Disconnect version blocks allow installation of fuse holders for 5 x 20 mm and 5 x 25 mm fuses. Accessories include side bridges, insertion tools, label holders, IDC to screw adapters, and test plugs. . Automation Systems Interconnect