Thermometry: Fiber-optic sensor measures temperature to 1,000 °C

Said to be for applications ranging from weld monitoring and control, to turbine engine service and design.

Pine Brook, NJ Chiral Photonics introduced a fiber optic temperature sensor for demanding industrial and R&D applications that require stability to 1,000 °C. The company says its sensor was designed for applications ranging from weld monitoring and control, to turbine engine service and design.
The sensing element is a monolithic glass fiber that is said to be as stable as silica glass, devoid of moving parts or coatings, and packaged to suit application needs.
The Helica Temperature Sensor, company explains, is based on Chiral Photonics’ patented chiral grating, which is fabricated by twisting, or microforming, the fiber as it is passed through a miniature heat zone to produce a distinct dip in the transmission spectrum. The spectral position of the dip in this chiral fiber changes with temperature allowing it to be used as a temperature sensor.
Specifications include 1% accuracy, 0.01 nm/°C nominal, sensitivity, 300 mm standard probe length, sensor/grating length of: 15 mm, and FC/APC connector.
— edited by C.G. Masi , senior editor
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