Articles about remote management, virtual process hazard analysis meetings, new controller options, manufacturing after the COVID-19 pandemic, and more were Control Engineering’s five most clicked articles from May 4 to May 10, 2020. Miss something? You can catch up here.
The top 5 most read articles online, from May 4 to May 10 for Control Engineering covered remote management, manufacturing after the coronavirus pandemic, new options for controllers, and more. Links to each article below.
1.A remote shift to business as usual
Businesses are looking to remote management strategies where they leverage smart technologies, mobile devices, remote access connectivity and communications tools.
2.Advanced controls, linear programming, fuzzy logic
To obtain optimal disposition of water injection flow in oil production facilities, linear programming techniques and advanced control based on fuzzy logic were applied. Better control increased field production and allows more effective responses to deviations that can damage people, goods or reduce production.
3.What manufacturing facilities will look like after COVID-19 pandemic ends
Manufacturing will look very different in the post-COVID-19 pandemic era, but the future is positive, according to a Purdue University supply chain expert.
4.Open-source benefits for industrial controllers
New controller options make it possible to add open-source features to industrial-grade automation. Think of industrial versions of Raspberry Pi or Arduino controllers.
5.How to run virtual process hazard analysis meetings
Although current circumstances prevent face-to-face meetings such as those for process hazard analysis (PHA), they can be accomplished online.
The list was developed using CFE Media’s web analytics for stories viewed on, May 4- May 10, for articles published within the last two months.
Keagan Gay, digital media & production coordinator, CFE Media, [email protected].