VDC cites high growth markets for industrial computers

Natick, Mass. - A market study by Venture Development Corporation titled "Worldwide Market and Forecasts For Integrated Ruggedized/Industrial-Grade Computers," provides market segmentation and forecasts in the major geographic regions of the world, and within the major country markets of those regions.

Natick, Mass. A market study by Venture Development Corporation titled ‘ Worldwide Market and Forecasts For Integrated Ruggedized/Industrial-Grade Computers ,’ provides market segmentation and forecasts in the major geographic regions of the world, and within the major country markets of those regions. VDC projects the worldwide market for these computers will grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.1% between 2000 and the end of 2005. They also forecast substantially higher growth rates for the markets in several countries, specifically China, Japan, Australia, Mexico, Taiwan and France.

Countries with High Ruggedized/Industrial-Grade Computer Market Growth Rate Forecasts (Compound Annual Growth Rates — 2000 through 2005) are:

  • China – 18.5%

  • Japan – 15.4%

  • Australia – 15.3%

  • Mexico – 15.0%

  • Taiwan – 14.8%

  • France – 14.5%

  • Worldwide Market – 11.1%

Principal reasons expected to account for these market expansion rates are:

China accounted for about 22% of the Asian market for these computers in 2000, the second largest, to the Japanese market. The Chinese market is expected to have a growth rate of 18.5% through 2005. An increasing number of manufacturers are moving their production facilities to China to take advantage of lower labor costs, resulting in a demand for more industrial automation equipment. This class of applications is expected to account for much of the market growth.

Japan has the largest market for integrated ruggedized/industrial-grade computers in Asia, and accounted for about 42% of the total in 2000. The Japanese market is forecast to expand at a 15.4% CAGR through 2005. Much of this growth will be for industrial automation and telecom/datacom equipment applications.

The small Australian market is expected to grow at a 15.3% CAGR through 2005. Australia has a fairly rapidly developing military industry, and much of the market growth is expected to come from this segment.

The Mexican market for ruggedized/industrial-grade computers is much smaller than the markets in the U.S. and Canada. However, the forecast expansion rate is much higher, at a 15% CAGR through 2005. The country has a growing manufacturing industry as a result of domestic and foreign investment by U.S. and other foreign firms, and much of the market growth is expected to be for industrial automation applications. Stimulating this growth is the low cost of labor in the country, and more recently a more democratic, less corrupt political environment.

Taiwan has the third largest country market in Asia for ruggedized/industrial-grade computers. This market is forecast to expand at a 14.8% CAGR through 2005. Telecom/datacom applications account for much of the market in this country, and are expected to account for most of the growth also.

France has the third largest market in Europe for ruggedized/industrial-grade computers, behind the German and U.K. markets. The French market is expected have the highest rate of expansion of any of the major country markets in Europe, at a 14.5% CAGR. Strong growth is expected there in industrial automation, military/aerospace and telecom/datacom applications. Helping stimulate this growth is political efforts including deregulation, easing of tax rates, and increasing privatization.

Opportunities for vendors of ruggedized/industrial-grade computers exist in these countries. However, it should be noted that the markets are small in most, so that even with significant growth rates, large markets will not develop over the next 5 years. None-the-less for vendors looking to expand their worldwide business, these may be attractive country markets to pursue.