Webcast: Bridging the Cybersecurity Gap, 5 Things IT and OT Can Learn From Each Other

To protect against attacks, companies need IT and OT to work together. This webcast presents 5 things OT can learn from IT (and vice versa)

Attendees are eligible for one certified professional development hour (PDH).

The cybersecurity landscape is changing rapidly. With the rise of the industrial internet of things (IIoT) and the emergence of the cloud, the number of endpoints has increased dramatically, and risk is higher than ever. While manufacturers are still navigating their way around this new threat ecosystem, one fact has become clear: Cybersecurity is no longer solely the purview of the information technology (IT) department. To protect against cyberattacks, companies now need to bridge the gap between IT and operational technology (OT) and enlist the OT side in threat management.

Unfortunately, the two sides don’t always speak the same language, and they have very different priorities. The good news is: There is a lot they can learn from each other if they can bridge the gap. This webcast will present a few simple steps to get IT and OT on the same page.

Learning Objectives:

  • Examine common OT vulnerabilities and how hackers are exploiting them
  • Cover what OT professionals can learn from IT (and vice versa)
  • Learn how to enable communication between the two sides so they can speak a common language
  • List best practices to enable better security in manufacturing environments
  • Learn how to set up a “human firewall,” where all employees are versed in basic cybersecurity hygiene

Presented By:
John Livingston, CEO, Verve Industrial Protection
Jim Cook, COO, Velta Technology

Moderated By:
Gary Cohen, Senior Editor, CFE Media and Technology

Written by

WTWH Media

WTWH Media acquired CFE Media and Technology on May 1, 2024.