What you’ll find in this guide

You've got a problem. You need a partner. Fast. How do you find one who's nearby and who's the best at the type of automation, instrumentation, and control system integration you need? The answer is right before your eyes. The 2009 Control Engineering Automation Integrator Guide is a 24/7 searchable online database and annual print directory of more than 1,750 automation system integrators.

You’ve got a problem. You need a partner. Fast. How do you find one who’s nearby and who’s the best at the type of automation, instrumentation, and control system integration you need? The answer is right before your eyes.

The 2009 Control Engineering Automation Integrator Guide is a 24/7 searchable online database and annual print directory of more than 1,750 automation system integrators. Online, search a name to find a specific company, or use the seven-way multi-parameter search to sort by geographic region served, product experience, industries served, engineering specialization, corporate affiliations and partnerships, annual revenue, and professional association.

Here in print you’ll find an alphabetical list of integrators (starting on page 24) that delivers a visual hierarchy of information: Most listings are one line long, but hundreds of expanded listings contain the same data available in the online search. Like classified ads in the phone book, this extra information can help you decide if a particular system integration company is right for you.

Product-specific knowledge

Major automation vendors may also have formal system integrator programs in which they train, support, and sometimes certify specific companies. That extra level of technical partnership provides you with another method for choosing among integrators. The print directory includes the logos of such vendors, which can help narrow your search. The Indexes and Cross References section (page 73), provides further print searchability.

Another way to select an integrator is by recommendation. Now in its third year, the System Integrator of the Year competition (page 4) asks a panel of judges to evaluate entries, just as you might evaluate proposals. This year’s panel has named three winners, who join some distinguished company; previous winners include Advanced Automation (now known as Avanceon), Bachelor Controls, The Benham Companies, Concept Systems, Honeywell Process Solutions, and Matrix Technologies.

So go ahead: search, compare, evaluate and choose. You’ve got a problem, and you need a partner. Fast.

Not here? Get listed now

Control Engineering ‘s consulting editor Vance VanDoren manages the directory database and awards program. If you’re a system integrator for automation, controls, or instrumentation, you may add information to the online directory now using the “Apply for a listing” link at www.controleng.com/integrators . You can also call Vance at 765-296-7600.

ONLINE extra

Three winners offer advice. Click any of the following to learn more, with a link to a free podcast.

More need for outside engineering expertise, says HiTech Control Systems

: Control Engineering System Integrator of the Year winner.

How system integration goals influence future: JMP Engineering


How to overcome the economy, grow with technology: Brock Solutions

Also see other articles in the 2009 print edition of the Automation Integrator guide .