Kepware protocols communicate over many infrastructures, wireless being one of them. Wireless communication is helped with a quality communications product.
Kepware protocols communicate over many infrastructures, wireless being one of them. Good wireless communication is helped with the development of a quality communications product, says Roy Kok, vice president of sales and marketing for Kepware. When a wireless connection is less than 100% (common in wireless) the communications product needs to perform well, Kok says.
KepServer advantages with less-than-perfect wireless conditions include:
-Device Auto-Demotion will drop a defective device out of the normal communications so as not to hamper communications with working devices. This is especially useful in wireless as bandwidth is at a premium.
-Drivers will batch data requests from multiple clients as effectively as possible so as to reduce communications bandwidth to a device. Intelligently "packing" communications reduces transmission costs when paying for connectivity by the byte.
– Modpac Plus Wireless Modem: A simple, cost effective way of implementing remote data collection can be achieved by using three readily available commercial products; Kepware’s KEPServerEX, a Panel-Tec Wireless Modem, and a Toshiba PLC. Kepware explains more about Modpac and provides a diagram .
See also in Control Engineering , System Integration: Wireless Standards .
– Mark T. Hoske, editor in chief, Control Engineering ,