At the WonderWorld event in Las Vegas, Oct 6-8, 2008, Wonderware announced the addition of an “endorsed” system integrator level to its existing “registered” and “certified” programs.
At the WonderWorld event in Las Vegas, Oct 6-8, 2008, Wonderware announced the addition of an “endorsed” system integrator level to its existing “registered” and “certified” programs.
The “endorsed” level of recognition differs from “certified” in that it is offered by invitation only to selected integrators with high levels of domain expertise, have completed many Wonderware integration projects, are closely aligned with Wonderware’s programs, and have previously been recognized as a certified system integrator.
Wonderware Innovation Partners that have achieved “endorsed” integrator status in the North America are: IPACT, Progressive Software Solutions, ASECO, Stone Technologies, and Total Systems Design, according to Scott Kiser, Wonderware director of system integrator programs.
“The benefit to system integrators of this new‘endorsed’ level is that this offers an objective, qualitative means for measuring and recognizing the technical skills of system integrators and avoids the case of users dealing with integrators learning on the job,” Kiser said. “This program also serves to expand Wonderwaresolutions capabilities, makes business easier to conduct with end users, and broadens our expertise in diverse industries.”
In addition to the five North American “endorsed” system integrators, there are three in Latin America and four Europe that have so far achieved this level of recognition.
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Also see two other related 2008 WonderWorld news items:
Mobility dominates WonderWorld partner and technology expo Wonderware focuses on front-line innovation
– David Greenfield , editorial director
Control Engineering News Desk
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