Worth your time: NMW 2005; Bioterrorism Webcast; pharmaceutical, process safety conferences

Conferences, shows, a Webcast, and more fill the calendar during the beginning of 2005.

Conferences, shows, a Webcast, and more fill the calendar during the beginning of 2005. Events range from National Manufacturing Week, one of the largest industrial trade shows of the year, to a Webcast on a critical and timely topic to conferences on specific process control subjects. Details follow. Links direct you to additional information.

Make plans now to attend the 15th annual National Manufacturing Week . Billed as “ Industry’s source for innovation ,” the 2005 event takes place at Chicago’s McCormick Place March 7-10. More than 1,000 exhibitors will be on hand, along with a technical program of some 300 conference sessions on a plethora of topics. More than a dozen presentations relate to process control. Click here to use the conference search engine to search them out. For more information on the entire program, click here . To register for the event, click here . To read more about National Manufacturing Week from Control Engineering , click here .

Bioterrorism, the impact of new U.S. FDA regulations and reporting requirements on manufacturers , is the focus of an upcoming Webcast sponsored by Invensys Wonderware and Control Engineering magazine. Scheduled for Feb. 23 at 2 pm EST, the event is devoted to the issues surrounding the Bioterrorism Act and the steps a company should be taking to make sure it is in compliance. Congress passed the Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act following the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. The legislation addresses the safety of the nation’s food and drug supply and drinking water security and directly affects the manufacturers and utilities that provide product to the marketing place, as well as those manufacturers who supply them. Presenters for the Webcast include three Wonderware executives: Jay Jeffreys, P.E., program manager, eCompliance Solutions; Jim Brown, vice president, strategic sales; and Yves Dufort, director of services. Click here to register for the Webcast .

Also on the docket of upcoming events are the 2005 ISPE Tampa Conferences . This series of seven educational sessions, slated for Feb. 14-18, brings together pharmaceutical manufacturing professionals from a diverse range of disciplines. Conference topics include pharmaceutical facility renovation, process simulation, good manufacturing practices, and 21 CFR Part 11. Presenters include the FDA’s Rick Friedman, team leader of guidance and policy, division of manufacturing and product quality. Click here for more information on this event. Click here for a complete calendar of first quarter ISPE conferences and training events.

The Global Congress on Process Safety sponsored by the American Institute of Chemical Engineers is also coming up this spring. The 20th CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety) International Conference will take place April 10-13 in Atlanta. Leading experts in process safety will gather to examine advances and challenges confronting process safety professionals. The event will encompass the 29th Loss Prevention Symposium and the 2005 Process Plant Safety Symposium as well. To register, click here .

—Jeanine Katzel, senior editor, Control Engineering, [email protected]