Do you know the answers?

Here are the answers to the questions asked in the August 21, 2003 Process Control Monthly newsletter.

By Control Engineering Staff August 21, 2003

”Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought with ardor and attended to with diligence.” —Abigail Adams

Here are the answers to the questions asked in the August 21, 2003 Process Control Monthly newsletter.

1. Can you correctly match the following temperature conversion formulas?

A. Degrees Celsius to Degrees Fahrenheit 1. (oC X 9/5) + 32
B. Degrees Celsius to Kelvin 4. (oC + 273.16)
C. Degrees Fahrenheit to Degrees Celsius 3. (oF–32) x 5/9
D. Degrees Fahrenheit to Degrees Rankin 2. (oF + 459.69)

2. Can you correctly match the following pressure conversion factors?

E. Lb/Sq. In. (PSI) to Bar 6. Multiply the number by 0.06895
F. Bar to Lb/Sq. In. (PSI) 7. Multiply the number by 14.5038
G. Inches of water to Lb/Sq. In (PSI) 5. Multiply the number by 0.0361

—Dave Harrold, senior editor,