Microchip Low-Cost 8-bit PIC Microcontrollers have eXtreme Low Power Technology and Integrated LCD Control. MCUs enable low-cost LCD control with low-power capabilities.
Microchip Technology’s expanded 8-bit segmented LCD microcontroller (MCU) family has five new devices—the PIC16LF1902/3/4/6/7 (PIC16LF190X) MCUs. Using Microchip’s Enhanced Mid-range architecture, the PIC16LF190X family provides fundamental features and performance without burdening customers with the cost of unused peripherals.
The eXtreme Low Power (XLP) technology provide sleep currents down to 20 nA, and a typical active current of 35 microamperes per MHz. The MCUs extend battery life while maintaining accurate timing with a RTC and driving a segmented LCD. XLP also has up to 14 KB of Flash program memory, up to 512 Bytes of RAM, up to 14 10-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) channels, serial communication, temperature indicator, and the capability to drive up to 116 LCD segments.
The PIC16LF190X family supports many general-purpose applications and enables the implementation of LCD into low-power and cost-sensitive designs, such as security tokens, smart cards, medical devices, home appliances, key fobs, or any application involving a segmented LCD.
“With industry-leading low power and an optimized feature set, the PIC16LF190X family is designed for any low-power segmented LCD or general-purpose application,” said Steve Drehobl, vice president of Microchip’s Security, Microcontroller & Technology Development Division.
Samples: www.microchip.com/get/FKLT
microchipDirect: www.microchip.com/get/P5NK
Microchip PIC16LF1902: www.microchip.com/get/F8C5
Also see: https://www.controleng.com/channels/sustainable-engineering.html.