Using a dual-element cold junction temperature (CJT) sensing technique and thermal-inertia- reducing board design, Action Instruments' reports its Instant Accuracy technology can double cold junction compensation accuracy. Errors during warm-up are eliminated and errors due to abrupt changes in ambient temperature are reduced.
Using a dual-element cold junction temperature (CJT) sensing technique and thermal-inertia- reducing board design, Action Instruments’ reports its Instant Accuracy technology can double cold junction compensation accuracy. Errors during warm-up are eliminated and errors due to abrupt changes in ambient temperature are reduced. Instant Accuracy is available in the company’s new ActionI/Q, model Q486ia and Q488ia, temperature input, signal conditioners.
Q488ia is a field-configurable, dc-powered (ac is Q486ia), four-wire transmitter that can be configured for RTD or thermocouple inputs and for voltage or current outputs. It’s configured using on-board DIP switches or a personal computer and the optional, model C681, communications adaptor.
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